Is Paid Search Marketing Right For You During The COVID-19 Crisis

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Paid Search Advertising Amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

With the recent outbreak of COVID-19, the way people conduct business has changed for nearly everyone. However, paid search marketing remains as a leading way and offers an opportunity to connect with broad audiences online during a difficult time.

Why Continue Advertising

While some companies may be reluctant to run an advertising campaign when the future is uncertain, reliance on the internet has increased while people shelter in place. More people spending time online opens the door to connecting with potential clients as they surf the web casually.

How COVID19 Is Shaping Search Trends And Patterns

COVID-19 is a topic that’s engulfed all corners of the mainstream media, social sharing platforms, and significantly impacted the way people live their lives.

Many Businesses Have Experienced Upswings

Even though the COVID-19 situation is not ideal, some industries and business models have experienced an upswing in demands for their products and services.

Examples include telehealth and telemedicine providers, delivery services, online learning, streaming services, and other technology providers.

If your business is trending upwards, paid search marketing is a great way to push the momentum forward while you’re in favor.

Less Competition Has Driven Down CPCs

CPC, or Cost Per Click Advertising, has had a 6% decrease in costs due to some advertisers pulling back budgets or temporarily pausing campaigns.

As a result, there’s less competition, allowing newer or less established advertisers the opportunity to jump ahead of competitors. With lower costs, branding campaigns are more affordable, with the potential to stretch your ad budget further.

Not Convinced Paid-Search-Marketing Is Right For You?

If your business is experiencing a downturn or deemed as “non-essential,” you might feel gun shy about investing in advertising. Your reluctance is understandable. When revenues have taken a downturn, investing in untested advertising feels risky.

However, don’t overlook using this time to strengthen your position and branding once life begins to return to normal. Here are some tasks and internal projects you might decide to tackle during your spare time.

Reviewing and evaluating your product and service offerings is critical to your success in business. Questions to ask yourself could be:

  • How can I improve my current offerings?
  • What products or services can I add to extend my target audience?
  • How do my products or services solve the problems of my demographics?
  • Do I have opportunities to make exclusive offers?
  • How can I add more value to the lives of potential and existing customers?
  • A bit of brainstorming can help to invigorate your business operations during the COVID-19 outbreak.

Build Or Strengthen Sales Funnels For The Bounce Back Period

Marketers and business owners may choose to focus on building new or strengthening existing sales funnels during the COVID-19 crisis.

When writing new landing pages, or re-working existing sales funnel content, be sure to choose your words wisely. Take care to avoid the use of statements or terms that could get interpreted as insensitive or too pushy.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that “this too shall pass.” The steps and decisions you make today regarding your business operations are the ones that make an immediate impact on tomorrow. Use this time wisely to invest in your future.

Reach out to the certified experts at our Phoenix AZ PPC Agency, Sophisticated Marketing Solutions for a free consultation. Check out our other resources, such as PPC Automation Tools to learn more.

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