Home Services PPC Benchmarks: What you need to know and how we can help.

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Why Google Ads?

There are various ways to promote your business: print, radio, television, and even billboards. However, Google Ads is a bidding system used by advertisers to gain traffic from search engine results pages (SERP). When someone searches a keyword related to your business in Google’s search bar, the ads displayed at the top of the page are based on how much you are willing to pay through bidding in real-time.

Furthermore, Google Ads is not just an online tool; it also has a mobile version where users can access information about businesses through their smartphones with just a few taps. With this kind of convenience, it’s no wonder why Google Ads has become so popular among small businesses looking for growth opportunities!

So if you’re ready for increased exposure but need to know where to start? We’ll help!

The two most common ads on Google are text ads and display ads. Text ads appear in the top, middle, or bottom of search result pages and can be either text-only or include images. Display ads on SERPs above or below organic listings can feature rich media like videos, slideshows, and more.

What do “benchmarks” matter?

Benchmarks are an important part of success in PPC search advertising because they help you to analyze your performance. Benchmarks show how well you’re doing compared to other advertisers bidding on the same keyword. They also assist you in determining how much you must pay to obtain the clicks that will result in sales or lead generation.

Google Ads keyword benchmarks for home services businesses

When it comes to home services, these are just some of the keywords with the least competition and the highest search volume in the area of Arizona:

  • Furnace Repair
  • Ac Repair
  • Air Conditioner Repair
  • Ac Maintenance
  • Air Conditioning Repair Service
  • Landscaping
  • Landscaping Companies
  • Landscaping Services

On top of that, they have high conversion rates, so they’re great places to start when you’re working on your home services campaign.

CPC Benchmark for Home Services

We calculate that the CPC for the Home Services industry ranges from $3-$9 depending on the service type. The CPC for home services is much higher than average because there are many different types of services and many variables that can affect how much people are willing to pay.

The more specialized the service, the higher the price—for example, a cleaning service that offers deep-cleaning services will charge more than a standard cleaning service. And although some services are less specialized, like general contractors or car repair shops, they still see higher CPCs because they have more competition in their category.

CTR Benchmark for Home Services

The average CTR for home services on search advertising is 3.11% – 5.71%. However, it is important to remember that this can vary based on your market’s industry and competitive landscape.

For example, suppose your average CTR is 5%, and you are generating leads directly through PPC and not from the website (meaning that clicks on the ad lead to a landing page where they submit their contact information). In that case, your cost per lead will be lower than if you were only paying for clicks and generating sales directly.

CPA Benchmark for Home Services

Home services CPA benchmarks range from $500 – $900. This metric varies greatly depending on industry and service type. The best way to determine your CPA is by analyzing the competition and your performance. If you’re not generating leads or sales directly through PPC, your CPA will likely be higher since other costs are involved.

Monthly spent on PPC advertising for home services.

The average monthly spent on PPC search ads benchmarks for home services is between $700-$1600. This metric varies based on service type.

The average monthly spent on PPC search ads benchmarks for home services is between $700-$1600. This metric varies based on service type.

How can we help?

When managing a PPC campaign for home services, there are many things to consider. Google Ads is not just another advertising platform; it requires careful management to get the best results possible. That being said, we at Sophisticated Marketing Solutions are here to help with any questions! If these benchmarks sound familiar in your industry or company, reach out today to discuss how we can optimize your campaign together!


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